Help Ukraine

Keep up with the latest on HarvestCall's support for Ukrainians during the Russian invasion.

July 15, 2022
Ukrainian Update/ European Trip Report 7/12/2022
May 24, 2022
The Podcast “Supporting our Ukrainian Brethren” dated 2022-05-20 is available on Around the Table on AC Central. This features the HarvestCall European Committee and efforts leading to and following the invasion of Ukraine on 2/24/2022. The European Committee has scheduled a trip to Europe between June 22 nd and July 7 th this year. We are advised by our European brethren to enter and exit Ukraine on the same day and not stay overnight. Plans are to worship with them on Sunday, June 26 th and to meet with them on Tuesday, July 5 th . Additional time is planned for Antioch, the Romanian churches, and meetings and church in Hungary. Eight of the committee members plan to participate in the trip.
May 4, 2022
Comforters arrive at Antioch Last night, a truck from the Netherlands delivered 1,211 comforters, 200 bed sheets and 200 pillow cases to the Antioch facility in Vladimirescu, Romania. Due to the way the shipments were packed, another 251 comforters will be delivered to CAM in Chernivtsi, Ukraine where they will be available for pickup for return to Antioch. There was a lot of effort and coordination to make this happen. Thanks to all who had a part in it. These comforters are very well received by the recipients. The seventh load of supplies is on its way to Ukraine. We received photos of the loaded van and covered trailer ready to go for delivery tomorrow. Filip and Adriana went at least part way today. We are so thankful the work goes on!
April 22, 2022
The comforter shipment has reached the Netherlands and is waiting to clear customs before being trucked to Antioch. The beds and bedding are to be shipped into Ukraine. Since we returned from our trip 2 weeks ago, Brother Filip has taken his 5 th and 6 th trips into Ukraine. Along with the last load was one of the BCS tillers we purchased for their gardens (see photo). The border was very busy partially due to Easter Orthodox Easter being this week. With thanks to God, Filip is safely at home and delivering food packages in Romania. He sends his love and greetings to everyone including the greetings of the brethren in Ukraine. The situation in Ukraine has not changed a lot in the last week although things seem to be tightening up as far as security at the border and along the streets with lots of police and checkpoints everywhere. Another source told us this week that there were 558 vehicles waiting to cross at the Ukrainian border. He got across in two hours on entry and fairly rapidly on exit for which we are all thankful. Availability of consumer goods in the stores and markets is very sporadic. Some days available and some days not, but always getting more expensive. Diesel is very expensive and getting higher and very hard to get. The brothers are attempting to work the fields, but they have to be very careful as the military picks up any young man that they can see and takes them to the army. Filip says there is no exemption for believers and all must carry weapons according to military law. So far none of our brethren have been taken in this manner. However, there is constant anxiety and they have to watch everywhere they go. The believers are trying to live lives as normal as possible, and with gratitude to God they were able to have a baptism in Dimka this past weekend. However as stated there is a lot of uncertainty and great anxiety and worry among everyone. We need to keep each other in our prayers. Yesterday, an Around-the-Table session was recorded on Stories from Ukraine which should be available to listen to on AC Central soon.
April 8, 2022
Report from Brothers Pete Webel, Joel Putt and Ken Manz who recently returned from a trip to Romania and into Ukraine, on behalf of the HarvestCall European Committee (EEC). We felt the prayers of the church. We felt love and support from the brethren in Romania and Ukraine. The Antioch facility provides material aid for Romania and Ukraine as well as Nazarene brethren in other countries. We very much appreciate the efforts of Bro. Filip Augustinov and his family at Antioch.  Some items discussed or acted upon were good relations with the Antioch board, what brethren in Ukraine are facing, extra seed money for Ukrainian farms and gardens, brethren with more than 3 children leaving Ukraine to find work or to immigrate, a corn header request, military service and bearing arms, spiritual messaging along with material aid, BCS garden tillers with attachments for Ukraine and Romania, comforter and adult brief shipments, beds and bedding shipments, food materials from USA, ongoing funding needs, Ukraine government/military taking vehicles for military use, planning an EEC visit in June, and investigating funding material aid for refugees in Hungary. Our theme was brotherhood – we are brothers to Jesus Christ and we purpose to treat all his brothers as he would ask us to. There are differences in language and culture, but as Bro. Duane Farney says, “People are people wherever you go.” Typical days started at 9 am and ended about 10:30 pm with additional hours spend discussing, communicating with EEC, writing reports and translating. We spent many hours (perhaps average 6 to 7 hours per day) riding in the white VW van making a trip to Ukraine and delivering food packages to individuals and congregations for their distribution. Typically, we were pulling a trailer. There are about 30 people from Ukraine in Romania either working, seeking medical help, or planning to immigrate. They are housed in members’ homes and at Antioch living quarters (where we stay). Feeding that many people 3 times a day is quite a challenge. The trip to Ukraine was definitely a highlight. We loaded the van and covered trailer for Ukraine Wednesday morning and drove to a hotel at the border town of Siret, Romania. We spent the morning touring the border on Romanian side and investigating needs. We crossed the border and went to the Chahor church where we unloaded, ate, and spent 2 hours meeting with 2 elders and a minister. There were 22 people there to help besides Filip, Adriana and we three. We were very warmly received. We stayed overnight at a hotel and arrived home Friday evening. Our ties are strong with brethren in Ukraine and Romania. Everywhere, they tell us they thank the Lord and us and greetings to all the churches in America. They pray for us and ask for our prayers in their time of need. We can learn a lot from them and deeply appreciate their faith in action.
April 1, 2022
Large Shipment Leaves Today Based on feedback by European Committee (EEC) members traveling with Filip to the border and into Ukraine and a lot of work at the Eastern Ohio Distribution Center, it was decided to ship by air to Netherlands and truck to Antioch in Romania. The shipment leaves today and is expected to reach the Netherlands by April 12 and Antioch about 10 days later. The shipment consists of 1,462 comforters, 200 bed sheets, 200 pillow cases, 100 toddler PVC bunk cots with canvas tops, 50 adult foam padded plywood bunk cots, 28 foam mattresses, 3,600 pairs of adult socks, and 100 infant layette kits. Thanks to all everywhere for bringing this all together. Most of this will be used at refugee camps throughout Romania and in Chernivitsi, Ukraine (near our brethren where refugees are displaced within Ukraine from embattled areas).  Fourth Food/Supplies Trip to Ukraine Packing was done Wed. morning March 30 th at Antioch by a dozen participants. Filip & Adriana, along with three EEC members, left after lunch and drove to the border where they stayed overnight. The morning was spent touring the Romanian side of the border and assessing their needs for beds and associated supplies. We saw a slow-moving line of refugees seeking to cross the border on foot. They were mostly women, children and older men. It took nearly 2 hours for us to get through customs. A car of our brethren met us at the border and we followed them to the Chahor church where lunch was served and the loaded van and covered trailer were unloaded. There were 15 men and boys and 7 women and girls from Ukraine who helped. We met with 2 elders and an ordained deacon to deliver money, to discuss EEC matters and to get an update on what is happening and expected. Chahor church is about 40 minutes North of the Romanian border, we were at the church about 3.5 hours, and it take 1 hour to cross coming back. The police and military are taking men into the military. If they see men on the streets, they take them - so the younger men are advised to stay home. Men age 18 to 60 are eligible, but for now those with 3 or more children are exempt. So far, none of our believers have been taken, but there was one close call. They did not know whether the men would be allowed to be assigned so they didn’t have to bear arms. The authorities have taken some vehicles, some large tractors, and some supplies from citizens or organizations. So far, our Nazarene brethren have given 2 used vehicles. There is very little work. Some wages have been reduced, and prices are high. Government payments to support raising children have not been received the last 3 months. About 5 believing families have left the country and are not expected to come back. About 4 families are now in Romania and are expected to come back. The Ukrainian brethren are very thankful for the love and support they receive. They are receiving help from other European and American churches. They are working hard to avoid long term dependencies as they administer the funds and supplies. Prayers are appreciated and they pray for us.
March 29, 2022
Third Food/Supplies Trip to Ukraine Filip & Adriana took the 3rd shipment into Ukraine on 3/24/22. The situation is worse than before although so far there is no fighting. However, they are taking away the private cars from individual people for use in the military. This news is fresh and the extent of it not known. The planting season is very much in question. They cannot get seed or fertilizer very easily. There is no soybean seed. Other seeds are available in limited supply. Fuel for the machines is also very tight. It does not look good for a harvest this year. All of this is fluid. European Committee Trip to Romania . Bros. Pete Webel (Mansfield), Joel Putt (Remington), and Ken Manz (Junction) plan to leave Monday, 3/28/22 and return 4/7/22. They go to show support and presence for the relief efforts surrounding Antioch and to assess the situation there to help guide efforts on an ongoing basis. Even if the fighting would stop immediately, there would be millions of displaced people, the effects of pricing and availability of food and supplies as well as rebuilding. Eastern Ohio HC Distribution Center is Gathering Goods for Shipment : This includes the comforters, beds, mattresses, sheets, etc. They anticipate the first shipment by air to the Netherlands next week. The goods will be trucked from Antioch in Romania from there. Many other efforts are ongoing at other centers and congregations.
March 23, 2022
Psalm 27 v. 1 The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? v. 2 When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. v. 3 Though a host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. Update from Ukraine Food/Supplies Deliveries: A third trip is planned for Thursday, March 24th.  On the 2nd trip, he was waited at the border by the elder brothers. There is still peace in the Cernauti area, but there are many police filters with the army. Men who have at least three children, even if they are over 18, have started to leave the country. There are still a lot of women with children in strollers and on their hands leaving in Romania. On Sunday, March 20, there was baptism in church Corovia. A young brother dared to leave by car and was stopped by the police. When they saw that he was a young man, they sent him directly to the army. The brother prayed a lot not to send him, so the police felt sorry and let him go. The young people are very afraid not to be sent to the army. Work for the brothers is still not available. A few companies started working, but an extra tax was put on the salary, it's called the war tax. So, the salary is low. At these companies more sisters are working. When the alarm goes off, everyone has to go into bunkers, hideouts and wait for the alarm to go off. There were days when all the workers had to stay in hiding from three to five hours. In the shops from the area where the believers live, there are food and those that are strictly necessary, but they remain very expensive. We want God to strengthen and comfort our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. According to Statista Research Dept as of 3/22/2022, there were 3,782,000 refugees who have left Ukraine going to: Poland 2,084,000 Romania 585,000 Moldova 365,000 Hungary 312,000 Slovakia 250,000 Russia 232,000 Belarus 4,000.
March 23, 2022
Philippians 2 v. 9 Wherefore God also hath exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: v. 10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; v. 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Food Packages Arrive in Ukrainian Brethren’s Homes – A couple in Ukraine we know very well just had this food package delivered to their house. They are very thankful for our care and support. We are glad to see they aren’t just storing it all in the churches. Making Bed Frames in Rittman, OH – On Friday, March 18th, a bed construction work night held at Swiss Woodcraft in Rittman. 100 beds were constructed, and taken to our local HC distribution center (see photo). The beds will be further packed with comforters within the bed framework. The current plans include being flown to Holland and trucked to Romania/Antioch. There were about 35-40 mostly young people helping, with only several adults. The young people were converts, single members, several married, and numerous friends.
March 21, 2022
Matthew 25 v. 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Second Antioch delivery to Ukraine 3/17/22 : Brethren from Romania/Antioch were again able to make the day-long trip across Romania, across the Ukrainian border to the Chahor church. We are very thankful this way is open at this time and solicit your prayers that the way may remain open. The Ukrainian brethren are coping with their country’s situation and holding the fort for Jesus is coming. The Romanian brethren are very diligent in purchasing, packing and delivering food, medicine, and supplies to the refugees in Romania near the Ukrainian border as well. The American brethren care deeply and continually look for ways to support and help in their time of need.

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