Hope for the Future
The Lord has been faithful to the Nazarean in Eastern Europe.
In Hungary they have progressed economically to where they now provide for their own needs and no longer receive regular cash aid. They and the brethren in Germany are also instrumental in organizing aid efforts and work teams of volunteers for projects assisting needy brethren in Eastern Europe. Where there is economic opportunity, church attendance and membership are increasing, hopeful signs that the Church may again grow and prosper in the Lord.
Newfound freedom of travel across international borders has increased fellowship among the national and ethnic groups of believers, facilitating marriages between young people of the Nazarean Churches, strengthening their common bond of faith in the Lord. Presently there are about 10,000 souls living in 200 church communities in Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and southwestern Ukraine (Bukovina).
The testimony of the older Nazarean brethren of Eastern Europe is one of test and hardship for the sake of Christ. We in America cannot help but ask how deep our own convictions go, and how much we could sustain if called to bear what these faithful brethren have endured. The youth of East European brethren do not have distinct memories of their parents’ and grandparents’ suffering under communism and religious persecution. But their growing numbers and church attendance are the hope and fond expectation of these older brethren who have endured years of suffering in order to see freedom of worship and economic promise for their progeny. Their prayer is that the Church may flourish, and that the light of faith will not go out in the land of their forefathers. To that end, HarvestCall endeavors to support those who are of the household of faith.
Words alone cannot express the gratitude of brethren of Eastern Europe for the material and spiritual aid assistance they have received from American brethren. The following message is only one example of many that are addressed to the American Churches:
“We thank the Lord and you for your care of us. Thru your good deeds you have helped many. You have helped the elderly, the weak ones, the sick ones, the poor and our children. For all of this, please accept our inadequate thanks. May your good deeds be mentioned at the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ— ‘I was hungry and you fed me, I was naked and you clothed me...’ All our greetings we send you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”