Week 11
Congregations represented this week included: Akron, Bluffton, Elgin, Fairbury, Forrest, Junction, Latty, Mediapolis, Morris North, Rittman, San Diego, and Smithville
Finishing touches on the trim at Diane’s remodeled house
Securing the ceiling at Vanessa’s remodeled house
Final coat of paint at Darrel’s remodeled house
Soffit and facia work at Barbara’s house
Painting the outside of Vanessa’s remodeled house
Volunteers talking to a neighbor boy while fixing his bike
Outside work and painting at Vanessa’s remodeled house
The last week most volunteers worked on Vanessa’s house
Final cleaning before the move in at Darrel’s remodeled house
Moving Darrel’s belongings from the pod to his house
Darrel looking on as volunteers clean in his house
Moving items out of the North Bay at Camp Living Waters before departure
Even more painting on the outside of Vanessa’s remodeled house
Darrel helping sort out his items at his remodeled house
New shingles being installed at Barbara’s house
Kitchen cabinet finding their new home at Vanessa’s
Jacking up one corner of Barbara’s house to level it
Ladies in the kitchen showing what they worked on during the day
“To God be the Glory, Great things he has done” as the sun sets on another Rebuilding Ministry project in Hammond Louisiana!
Week 10
Congregations represented this week included: Akron, Bern, Eureka, Fairbury, Forrest, Mediapolis, Morris, Princeville, Rockville, and West Bend
Kitchen cabinets going up at Erma’s new house
New electrical service being installed at Vanessa’s remodeled house
Caulking around windows at Erma’s new house
Removing rotted floor at Vanessa’s remodeled house
Removing the old sink at Vanessa’s remodeled house
Ladies in the kitchen making lots of delicious food for the volunteers
Kitchen ladies bringing root beer floats to job sites
Aerial view of Camp Living Waters shot from a volunteer’s drone
Taking a break on the roof of Cynthia’s house
Volunteers paying special attention to the corners
Painting the outside carport at Erma’s new house
Week 9
Congregations represented this week included: Akron, Congerville, Detroit, Eureka, Fairbury, Forrest, Junction, Mediapolis, Rittman, Rockville, Shioda Japan, and West Bend
Volunteers enjoying warm sunshine while painting trim outside
The ceiling is being replaced at Diane’s remodeled house
After each meal volunteers wash the dishes
Furring strips go up before ceiling tiles are put in place
Volunteers unloading and unboxing kitchen cabinets at Erma’s new house
Trusting in God for his provision
“Deuce” getting a wheel barrow ride at Diane’s remodeled home
Repairing the floor in Letlanva’s remodeled house
Volunteers posing with Erma at her new house
Volunteers making Knopfli for the volunteers
Painting the ceiling at Erma’s new house
Week 8
Congregations represented this week included: Akron, Bluffton, Dallas, Eureka, Fairbury, Forrest, Kansas City, Mediapolis, Peachtree City, Princeville, Rittman, Rockville, Sabetha, Silverton, Tremont, and West Bend
Volunteers cutting drywall at Darrel’s remodeled house
Lots of activity in the paint shop
Volunteers assembling furniture on the front porch of the office
Reroofing the carport at Diane’s house
Roto-zipping outlet holes in drywall at Darrel’s house
Adding an addition to Letlanva’s remodeled house
Painting the remodeled bathroom at Dawn’s house
Putting down all new floors at Letlanva’s house
Removing old shingles at Ray’s house
Volunteers eating lunch with Diane and her family
Hanging drywall on the ceiling at Darrel’s remodeled house
Week 7
Congregations represented this week included: Bluffton, Bradford, Cissna Park, Eureka, Goodfield, Junction, Lester, Mediapolis, Morris, Princeville, Sabetha, Silverton, Taylor, Tremont, West Bend, West Lafayette, and Winthrop
Old windows being removed to make way for new ones at Darrel’s remodeled house
Carrying in sheets of drywall to Erma’s new house
Putting finishing touches on flooring at Angie’s remodeled house
Kitchen cabinet installation at Sullivan’s remodeled house
Shingle material cleanup at Lula’s house
First piece of siding on the back side of Erma’s house
Facia painting at Lula’s house
Replacing a wooden post on a boardwalk at camp
Enjoying the nice weather and painting door frames outside
Erma requested we repurpose the door from her old house and paint it red
Painting the repaired carport at Dawn’s remodeled house
Week 6
Congregations represented this week included: Cissna Park, Congerville, Eureka, Fairbury, Forrest, Goodfield, Lester, Mediapolis, Morris, Princeville, Washington, and Winthrop
Finishing the porch ceiling at Darrel’s remodeled house
Fixing a door for a good fit at Willis’s remodeled house
Volunteers working on a large reroofing job at Angie’s house
Putting finishing touches on Deborah’s house
Volunteers putting a new roof on Darrel’s remodeled house
New kitchen cabinets being completed at Willis’s remodeled house
Volunteers having a ping pong tournament after supper
Father and son leading a morning devotion
Ladies from the kitchen taking volunteers treats at Willis’s house
Bobbie helping in the kitchen
Wall framing continues at Darrel’s remodeled house
Week 5
Congregations represented this week included: Elgin IA, Eureka, Forrest, Junction, Lamar, Mediapolis, Morton, Princeville, Rittman, Rockville, Sabetha, Sardis, Silverton, and West Bend
Stair railing being constructed at Sullivan’s remodeled home
Reroofing Raymond’s house
Full Tyvek suits were required to clean out Darrel’s house
Flooring the kitchen/living room at Willis’s house
Window boxes going in at Willis’s house
Sheeting being installed after restoring a wall at Darrel’s house
Blending in texture after repairing a ceiling
Prayers for the people in Hammond and the HarvestCall Rebuilding Ministry
Willis helping paint in his remodeled home
Volunteers visiting with Hammond residents
Reassembling bunk beds for a large function at Camp Living Waters this weekend
Week 4
Congregations represented this week included: Bloomington, Bluffton, Burlington, Eureka, Forrest, Indianapolis, Junction, Mediapolis, Morris, Peoria, Princeville, Remington, Sardis, Silverton, Tremont, West Lafayette, and Wolcott
Painting exterior trim that will go on Willis’s remodeled home
Working in the rafters of Irma’s new home
Singing “It’s an Honor to Serve”
Repairing facia boards at Keosha’s remodeled home
Reassembling doors at the trim shop
Painting a message on the outside of Keosha’s home before painting the exterior
Installing electrical service at Sullivan’s remodeled home
Carrying sheets of drywall into Sullivan’s remodeled home
New porch is finished on Sullivan’s remodeled home
Enjoying supper in the dining room
Cooks preparing food in the kitchen
Week 3
Congregations represented this week included: Akron, Bern, Bloomington, Burlington, Cissna Park, Detroit, Eureka, Forrest, Junction, Mediapolis, Princeville, Rittman, and Tremont.
Putting down the sill plate at Erma’s house
Our morning routine includes singing “It’s an Honor to Serve”
The first wall is set at Erma’s new home
Installing bathroom vent fan at Willis’s remodeled home
Doing electrical work at Willis’s remodeled home
Adding the newest addition to Sullivan’s remodeled home
Hanging drywall at Willis’s remodeled home
Painting soffit at Willis’s remodeled home
Doing our Bible Study called “Growing in Grace: Building on the Early Church”
Straightening up truss tails on Sullivan’s home
Repairing holes in Vanessa’s roof caused by a tree falling on it
Week 2
Congregations represented this week included: Bern, Columbus, Congerville, Detroit, Forrest, Lamont, Mansfield, Mediapolis, Morris, Princeville, Rockville, Sabetha, Silverton, Tremont, West Bend, and West Lafayette
Tearing down Sullivan’s addition that will be rebuilt
Cleaning window tracks at Keosha’s home
Roofing crew enjoying each other’s company at lunch time
Roofing crew back to work at Gail’s home
Embedding scripture in the framework of a home
Marking out where studs go on a new interior wall at Willis’s home
Working on the Bible Study on Thursday morning
Painting soffits at Angelina’s home
Kitchen ladies entertaining us with a song
Group of volunteers praying together in the evening
Framing at Willis’s
Week 1
Congregations represented this week included: Akron, Alto, Cissna Park, Congerville, Detroit, Eureka, Fairbury, Mediapolis, Princeville, Remington, Sabetha, Silverton, Tremont, and Washington
The rest of our fleet making the trek from Fairbury to Hammond LA
Week #1 volunteers registering and moving into the dorms
Volunteers washing dishes after supper in the kitchen
Food boxes needing to be sorted after being unloaded from the bus
The bus was full front to back and underneath
Painters being “framed” in the paint shop
Flooring being installed at Keosha’s home
Much delicious food was prepared from this kitchen
Work has begun on Sullivan’s remodel job
Lunch break on Sullivan’s front porch
Volunteers making friends at Keosha’s home
Lunch break at camp after the bus was unloaded
Keosha helping mount her cabinets to the wall
Unloading more trim for painting
Praying with a neighbor and giving her a blessing bag
Volunteers dedicated to spending three months helping Hurricane Ida victims recover in the Hammond, LA area in southeastern Louisiana.
Finishing an area for our use at Camp Living Waters
Arranging the Paint and Trim Shop
Disassembling bunk beds and storing them in the bathroom for the Paint and Trim Shop
Unloading items that arrived in the tool trailers
Cleaning up the kitchen
Placing the Refrigerator trailer near the kitchen
Set up week help getting ready for supper