Guiding Principles
Founding documents were developed jointly by World Relief and Mission Committee counseling elders, with input from interested brethren in many congregations.
How HarvestCall Operates
- Biblical Truth: We will teach and practice the whole counsel of God under the direction of the Holy Spirit.
- Submission to God: We will pray and fast, seeking the Holy Spirit’s direction and the Lord’s will, consistent with the Word of God.
- Establish Churches: As the Lord wills, we will seek opportunities to establish local churches, applying the four-pillar mission of the Apostolic Christian Church of America.
- Love of Christ: The love of Christ and the glory and honor of God will be the motivation of our ministry, never to be diminished by self-promotion or pride. We will exemplify the love of Christ by working together in unity and godly order and in submission to God-ordained authority.
- Stewardship: As stewards of the Lord’s resources, we will strive for efficiency and effectiveness; working as unto the Lord and not unto man by pursuing God-honoring models for ministry and communication, endeavoring to continually improve.
- Commitment to Our Missionaries: In light of biblical examples and principles, and as an expression of love for our brethren, we will properly assess, equip, and support those who are sent as missionaries.
- Ministry Priorities: We recognize that we cannot serve everyone, everywhere. We will need to prioritize where and to whom we’ll minister and to do that we will consider Biblical precedents as led by the Holy Spirit.
- Ministry Practices: We will proclaim and demonstrate Christ’s love such that the gospel is never secondary. Furthermore, we will strive to minister in ways that are respectful and relevant to indigenous cultures, being careful to not create dependency.
- Responsibility to the Church: We will promote a biblical understanding of outreach and service, while upholding and affirming the doctrine of the Apostolic Christian Church of America as defined in our Statement of Faith. We will operate transparently to the brotherhood.
- Doctrinal Integrity: When associating with other Christian organizations, we will practice spiritual discernment, maintain sound doctrine, and be accountable to our Heavenly Father and the brotherhood.