Apostolic Christian congregations represented this week included: Bloomington, Bluffton, Bluffton North, Ellington, Eureka, Forrest, Gridley, Lacrosse, Leo, Mediapolis, Morris North, Morton, Princeville, Rittman, Silverton, Tremont, and West Bend
Flooring trim being cut for Miss Sharon’s house
Installing ceiling tiles in a tight spot above a kitchen cabinet at Miss Carolyn’s house
Lots of trim painting on Miss Brenda’s house
Stain being applied at Miss Carolyn’s house
Installing spindles on the side of the ramp for Miss Sharon
Major demo at Roy and Kristen’s house
Exterior painting at Miss Brenda’s house
Electrical and interior walls being installed at Roy and Kristen’s house
Rewiring at Roy and Kristen’s house
Great food on its way to the serving line for the volunteers
New cutting board from a repurposed countertop for use in the kitchen
Miss Joyce making decisions on where things go for volunteers helping her move back into her house
Final coat of paint for Miss Sharon’s house
Interior painting at Miss Carolyn’s house
House leveling at Miss Brenda’s house
Volunteers helping carry Miss Joyce’s furniture out of the storage pod
More cleaning and sorting at Miss Joyce’s house
Back landing and steps being built at Miss Sharon’s house
Insulation for Roy and Kristen’s house
Frying eggs for breakfast in the morning in the kitchen
Apostolic Christian congregations represented this week included: Bern, Bluffton, Bradford, Canaan, Elgin IL, Ellington, Eureka, Forrest, Indianapolis, Latty, Lester, Mansfield, Mediapolis, Morris, Morris North, Remington, Silverton, Tremont, and Winthrop
New flooring at Miss Minnie’s back porch room
Installing an attic ladder for Miss Sharon
Snapping a line for firring strips to install ceiling tiles in Miss Minnie’s bedroom
New roof for Miss Deanna
Exterior porch painting at Miss Sharon’s house
Getting exact measurements at Miss Sharon’s house
Tearing out the living room floor at Miss Carolyn’s house
Volunteers helping Mitch move his belongings into his house
Volunteers helping restack items at the camp
Plumbing issues being addressed at Miss Brenda’s house
More delicious food being prepared in the kitchen
Apostolic Christian congregations represented this week included: Bluffton, Bluffton North, Canaan, Detroit/Livonia, Fairbury, Forrest, Kansas City, Latty, Lester, Mansfield, Mediapolis, Morris, Morris North, Peoria, Remington, and Silverton
Closing a doorway and replacing it with a window at Miss Carolyn’s house
Reframing the structure under the floor at Roddy’s house
Removing old metal and replacing the roof at Miss Sharon’s house
Volunteers doing porch repair at Miss Brenda’s house
New kitchen cabinets being installed at Mitch’s house
Siding measurements being taken at Miss Carolyn’s house
Ceiling tiles going up at Miss Minnie’s house
Kitchen volunteers grilling chicken for supper
Miss Sharon loves to help at her house
Volunteers using one hose to clean many brushes at Miss Sharon’s house
Careful paint trimming at Miss Sharon’s house
Ceiling texture repairing at Miss Erma’s house
Replacing damaged siding at Miss Brenda’s house
Work being done on Miss Sharon’s roof
Siding on the gable at Miss Carolyn’s house
Apostolic Christian congregations represented this week included: Akron, Canaan, Fairbury, Forrest, Junction, Mediapolis, Morton, Peachtree City, Peoria, Princeville, Rittman, Silverton, Smithville, Tremont, and West Bend
Painting dormers from the roof at Michael’s house
New roof going on at Miss Sandra’s house
Working on plumbing under what will be the new bathroom at Miss Sandra’s house
Last wall of exterior siding going on at Miss Sharon’s house
Back porch being reconstructed at Miss Sandra’s house
Gable ends and facia painting at Michael’s house
Assembly line of volunteers painting the ramp at Miss Ora Lee’s house
Upgraded electrical service being installed at Miss Carolyn’s house
Second coat of drywall finish being applied at Miss Sharon’s house
Rebuilding the damaged porch at Miss Sandra’s house
Replacing and leveling support beams at Miss Carolyn’s house
Apostolic Christian congregations represented this week included: Ellington, Fairbury, Forrest, Lester, Morris North, Morton, Princeville, Rittman, Roanoke, Sabetha, Silverton, Tremont, Washington, West Bend, West Lafayette, and Winthrop
Delicious food being prepared in the kitchen
Brother Bubba from a local Baptist church sharing what God is doing in East Texas with the volunteers
Cutting base board for James and Linda’s new house
Exterior siding going on at Miss Sharon’s house
New roof work at Miss Brenda’s house
Repairing roof damage from a tornado that dropped part of a tree on Miss Erma’s house
Volunteers finishing drywall at Miss Minnie’s house
Miss Linda addressing the volunteers after supper
First coat of drywall finish at Miss Sharon’s house
Fixing interior ceilings at Miss Erma’s house from tree damage caused by a tornado
Installing the house wrap for Miss Sharon's house
Apostolic Christian congregations represented this week included: Bluffton, Bluffton North, Burlington, Cissna Park, Eureka, Forrest, Lamar, Lester, Mediapolis, Morton, Princeville, Roanoke, Sabetha, Sardis, Silverton, Tremont, and West Bend
Many board feet of trim have been painted in the Paint Shop
Soffit painting at Miss Doris’s house
Volunteers replacing a roof at Miss Carolyn’s house
Homeowners joining us for supper at camp
Electricians rewiring at Miss Minnie’s house
Exterior repairs and panting at Miss Doris’s house
Door work being done in the Trim Shop
Kitchen ladies entertaining us with a song after supper
Miss Sharon enjoying fellowship with those who worked on her house
Drywall going up in Miss Sharon’s house
Drywall and insulation being installed in Miss Sharon’s house
Drywall finish at Mitch’s house
Exterior painting at Mitch’s house
Volunteers finishing the shingles in the rain at Miss Sharon’s house
Underlayment going on the floor at James and Linda’s new house
Electrical work being done at Miss Minnie’s house
Volunteers painting at Mitch’s house
New sheeting and roof going on at Miss Carolyn’s house
Soffit work being done at Miss Minnie’s house
Insulating Miss Sharon’s house
Apostolic Christian congregations represented this week included: Akron, Bern, Bloomfield, Cissna Park, Elgin IA, Eureka, Fairbury, Forrest, Junction, Latty, Mediapolis, Morton, Princeville, Roanoke, Sardis, Silverton, Smithville, Tremont, and West Bend
Roof repair and replacement at Miss Tyrona’s house
Roof framing at Miss Sharon’s remodel house
Volunteers making pancakes for breakfast early in the morning
Floor work and reframing at Miss Minnie’s house
Busy ladies working in the kitchen
Removing a damaged roof at Miss Carolyn’s house
Plumbing before the floor is finished at Miss Minnie’s house
Siding being installed at Mitch’s house
Exterior painting at Miss Joyce’s house
Drywall going up and insulation being blown in at Mitch’s house
Cleaning trays after supper
Final coat of paint being applied at James and Linda’s new house
Installing trim at Miss Pamela’s house
Drywall finishing at James and Linda’s new house
Miss Sharon sharing with the volunteers after joining us for supper at camp
Second coat of paint at James and Linda’s new house
Volunteers carrying sheet of drywall into Mitch’s house
Preparing to start hanging drywall at Mitch’s house
Another delicious meal prepared by the cooks for all the volunteers
Soffit work at Miss Joyce’s house
Apostolic Christian congregations represented this week included: Akron, Bluffton, Cissna Park, Ellington, Forrest, Lamont, Latty, Mediapolis, Morris North, Morton, Princeville, Remington, Sabetha, Smithville, Tremont, West Bend, Winthrop, and Wolcott
Volunteers doing work on the roof at Miss Sharon’s house
Demo of interior walls at Miss Minnie’s house
Mixing and stirring in the kitchen
New floor joists at Miss Sharon’s house
Volunteers talking to visitors and giving them a blessing bag
Major demo work being done at Miss Minnie’s house
Volunteers enjoying lunch, fellowship, and sun
Ladies of the kitchen bringing root beer floats to the volunteers at James and Linda’s new house
Many doors got painted in the Paint Shop
Miss Joyce visiting the volunteers at her house
Insulation and garbage from demo work being removed by volunteers at Mitch’s house
New exterior walls being constructed at Miss Sharon’s house
Roof repair and shingling at Miss Pamela’s house
More floor demo being done at Miss Minnie’s house
Roof and porch work being done at Miss Joyce’s house
Apostolic Christian congregations represented this week included: Bloomington, Canaan, Ellington, Eureka, Gridley, Morton, Peachtree City, Princeville, Remington, Rittman, Roanoke, Sabetha, Silverton, Smithville, Tremont, West Bend, West Lafayette, and Winthrop
Volunteers cleaning up paint brushes after a full day of painting in the Paint Shop
The camp became a winter wonderland for a few days
Sheet rock being hung at James and Lindas new house
Painting door frames in the Paint Shop
Volunteers make their lunch each morning to take to the job sites
Volunteers raising Sharon’s house
Doors being prepared for installation in the Trim Shop
Shingles going on the roof at James and Linda's new house
Old roof coming off at Pamela’s house
Soffit and facia being installed at James and Linda’s new house
Using the skid steer to pull out a dump trailer that got stuck
Apostolic Christian congregations represented this week included: Bloomfield, Congerville, Ellington, Goodfield, Lacrosse, Morton, Princeville, Roanoke, Shioda, Silverton, Tremont, Washington, and Wolcott
Volunteers cleaning up dishes after each meal
Sorting all the boxed items that arrived on the bus
Preparing the ice cream for root beer floats for the volunteers
Painting doors in the Paint Shop before installing in homes
Exterior walls being framed for James and Linda’s new house
More walls going up on James and Linda’s new house
Painting lattice at Regina’s house
Framing being done at James and Linda’s new house
Volunteers moving a pile of clay dirt for fill under James and Linda’s new house
Rebuilding a porch onto Mitch’s house
Raising and leveling Joyce’s house
Volunteers dedicated to spending three months helping people recover from natural disasters in the Jasper Texas area in eastern Texas
Cleaning and organizing the storage and freezer area of the kitchen
Cleaning ovens in the kitchen
Electrical adjustments for the kitchen
Putting together sneeze guards for the serving lines
Demo at James and Linda’s place
Removing the old ground wire to the old structure at James and Linda’s place
Doing prep work on doors in the Paint Shop
Work beginning in the Trim shop
Demo and removal of debris at James and Linda’s place
Assembling a work bench in the Trim shop
More kitchen cleaning and preparing for use
Unloading meat for the freezers
Assembling the Job board
Checking dates and preparing the first aide box
Assembling shelving for the kitchen
Installing outdoor lights for the path to the RV area