Many people throughout the world have never heard the gospel, let alone seen it faithfully lived out. Even in countries with churches in every village, the dominant form of religion is often mixed with unbiblical beliefs and practices. And in all the foreign countries we serve, there are issues of material poverty and suffering that must be addressed in order to open people up to the message of truth.
With a deep commitment to living out the scriptures, a strong sense of community, a culture of generosity, a renowned work ethic, and abundant material blessings, the Apostolic Christian Church is well-equipped to make a difference for Jesus by sending and supporting missionaries.
It's time we start working for the harvest!
There are many missionary sending agencies that address a wide variety of needs in many different ways and locations. You must discern where God is leading you. For those who would like to be sent and supported by the Apostolic Christian Church to do missions in a way consistent with our doctrine, we should definitely talk.
While HarvestCall still has room for improvement in our understanding of missionary care, there is much in place that you will appreciate:
We understand that you probably have lots of questions. (See FAQs below.) And you should. This is a big step. Rest assured, you will be guided through the entire process and supported by both your local church and the brotherhood-at-large. Your personal guide through the "pre-field process" is our Missionary Care Director. If you haven't already, please contact her for an open-ended, no-pressure conversation about your interests.
Your pre-field process depends on the path you choose. While the general components are the same for all, there are additional steps for roles that are longer-term or have more significant responsibilities.
Got a question that isn't answered here? Contact us.
Yes! We would still love to hear from you. The opportunities within HarvestCall continue to evolve so it’s great to have an understanding of different passions and skill sets within our brotherhood.
Missions can tend to be seen as an opportunity for the young, but there is certainly a place for everyone. For example, individuals moving into retirement often have much to offer with valuable life experiences to share, at times more financial flexibility, and without the cares of a young family to consider. There is never a “best” time to serve on the field, with each season of life truly bringing unique challenges and opportunities.
That being said, we do not consider anyone under the age of 21 for Associate or Career positions. Likewise, we do not send couples to the field within their first year of marriage. Instead we encourage these individuals to explore our discernment activities, join a Learn & Discern group, or consider short-term options to gain a better understanding of themselves and their call to ministry.
Learn & Discern groups are small groups of brothers and sisters who meet regularly via video conference to explore ways God may be leading them to serve. Some of the group’s activities are geared towards exploring beliefs and motivations about service, other discussions focus on sharing the gospel locally, while other meetings may focus on opportunities overseas. Learn more.
Yes. If you choose to serve through HarvestCall, you will be required to complete the steps outlined under the perspective Pathway you choose. The length of time it takes to complete the process can vary, and is based on things like the candidate’s flexibility for scheduling, current travel restrictions for vision trips, and previous language/ cultural experience of the prospective missionary. Typically, an interested candidate should expect the process to take at least a year or two, again dependent on things such as language learning needs.
As the missions branch of the Apostolic Christian Church of America, HarvestCall does give priority to sending missionaries within our church. If a critical mission need has been posted for a long period of time with no expressed interest and is deemed essential, an opportunity may arise for Christians outside our denomination to explore service within a HarvestCall ministry. Situations will be considered on a case-by-case basis with consideration being given to the type of role and the candidate’s background. All candidates are asked to complete the HarvestCall sending and equipping process for approval before service. Currently, Servant Fund support is only available to ACCA members serving in HarvestCall locations.
Watch the video stories of past and present missionaries in Mexico, Haiti, and Jamaica as they relate how God called them, prepared them, taught them, and grew them. Hear their advice for those considering full-time missionary service.
How are missionaries funded?
The Apostolic Christian Church has a national fund, called the Servant Fund, for missionary support. This allows our missionaries to devote their time and attention to their calling, rather than being required to raise their own funds. While our missionaries have many challenges as they serve, it is our goal for them not to have the added concern of financial stress.
Where are current missionaries from and where are they serving?