Do you sense God opening a door for you to go? This page is designed to assist you in discerning and preparing for potential service through HarvestCall. This discernment process involves both the individual discernment of the brother or sister as well as the collective discernment of the body of Christ. Local church leadership is instrumental in assisting during this time. HarvestCall provides resources and counsel to both the Elder and the individual as they discern God’s call.
Thoughts on your discernment process
Considerations for counseling with and getting the support of your elder/church
Here are the qualifications for those who wish to serve as well as the presumed commitments involved
It is important to follow biblical principles for decision making.
A list of activities that are helpful in consideration of service
You have walked through these steps and are compelled to move forward. Choose your path.
The process of discerning the call to go should be taken very seriously. The Lord works in different ways to call labourers to the Harvest. Regardless of how the Lord is working and calling, a purposeful process should be initiated as described below to confirm the call from the individuals perspective and on behalf of HarvestCall.
The process for Biblical decision making is the mixture of these principles. Decision-making happens in the context of your relationship with God and with his body, the church. It is not an art, it is not a science, it is relationship. Consider these principles and read the Principles for Biblical Decision Making document from ACCFS for a deeper consideration of these principles.
Sending happens from the local church. Therefore, the support to be sent begins with the local church and your elder. For this we recommend you beginning discussions with your elder early in your consideration of a service opportunity. We discourage you from going to your elder and beginning with asking for his support for you to be sent. Rather, we encourage you to begin with discussion and a request for counsel. The counsel should be received and considered. Upon walking through this time with your elder, there will be a common understanding and when support for your next step is needed, the necessary context will be needed to have those discussions.
Linked below is a tool we give to elders as an outline of discussion questions for those considering service.
For all candidates less than 4 years removed from High School, it is recommended that the initial term be limited to less than a year. After the 1 year term, a review of the term as well as a completion of the Sending Process is recommended to initiate the long-term sending process.
Candidates may begin the Sending Process prior to one year of marriage, but it is recommended that newly married couples wait at least a year before beginning service.
Your pre-field process depends on the path you choose. While the general components are the same for all, there are additional steps for roles that are longer-term or have more significant responsibilities.