Commit to a particular pattern of prayer for a period of time. If helpful, document the process. |
Journal your process and what the Lord does during this time |
Have a conversation with a current or former missionary |
Use the Missionary Questions Document
Review the guiding statements of the church
Document any thoughts or questions |
Review HarvestCall's Guiding Statements
Document any thoughts or questions |
Read "Principles of Biblical Decision Making"
Document any thoughts or questions |
Identify one person who has “walked down the path” you are considering and discuss with them where you are in your process. |
Make notes of encouragement and challenges |
Watch the "Missionary Experience" videos on the HarvestCall website
Make notes of thoughts related to discernment and readiness |
Read “Cross-cultural Servanthood” by Duane Elmer
Review the Statement of Faith
Document any thoughts or questions |
Work through the "Biblical Foundation of Missions" course by HarvestCall |
To access, request by clicking here and sending the email
Watch the "Helping without hurting" seminar
Apply to your current context and relationships |
Complete a questionaire on outreach/discipleship
Take a survey trip to the country/church where you are considering service |
Review the "Survey Trip Tips" document
Do the Xplore bible study on missions
Review the Missions Dilemma course |
Request access to the course by clicking and sending to this email
Take the "Whole-Life Calling" course by Dan Steiner
Review the Pre-field Missionary Process Document
Read and complete the "Mission Smart" book by David Frazier
Share dialogue with Amber or a mentor |
Read “Principles of Biblical Decision Making,” take notes of important points
For couples, each capture points of emphasis |