Our mission is to equip and mobilize brethren to proclaim the gospel, disciple and nurture believers, and demonstrate the love of Christ with deeds of compassion.
God is glorified as despair and suffering are alleviated, hearts and minds are transformed, and churches are established and nurtured.
Combined with our Guiding Principles, the statements above give clear overall direction to HarvestCall.
The logo uses autumn colors to make it warm and appealing and shows a field ripe unto harvest. The sun is spreading its bright rays depicting hope, new beginnings and alluding to the Son. There is also a sense of movement in the logo and the concept of multiple parts forming one whole, just as how our members from all over the country join together to support this work (from sewing sisters to groups packing supplies at distribution centers to teams building homes for disaster victims to missionaries serving overseas.)
Many mission organizations are parachurch organizations and do not fall under the authority of any church. HarvestCall is unabashedly Apostolic Christian and exists to enable the church to accomplish together what no one congregation could accomplish alone. As an inextricable part of the Apostolic Christian brotherhood, HarvestCall submits to the authority of our elder body and is committed to following the whole counsel of God. This commitment is embodied in the Purpose, Vision, Mission, and Guiding Principles that have been developed to guide HarvestCall staff, the governing board, and committees in all decision making. Taken as a whole, these documents expand on the church’s four pillar mission and call us to a doctrinally sound approach to the ministry of reconciliation that Christ has committed to his church.