Distribute Bibles

Knowing that the Bible is God's holy Word, true, living, powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, we seek to spread it, through word and deed.

In addition to speaking words of truth to those we serve, HarvestCall distributes Bibles throughout the world and supports the Bible distribution efforts of local Apostolic Christian congregations through our central warehouse located next to our Distribution Center in Goodfield, IL.

To get Bibles to distribute in your area:

Online ordering of Bibles and related materials is now available!

A password is required to access it. It is the title of ZH 220, all lower case, all one word.


To learn more about the Bible Distribution process, access helpful instructions, and view and order available materials, contact HarvestCall Bible Distribution using one of the methods below. 


Most congregations designate someone to serve as the local Bible Distribution coordinator, but every individual can be an active participant in this ministry. You can see the Bibles and other materials available through the Distribution Center in Goodfield by accessing our
online Bible Distribution store . (See info above.) All requests come to the Bible Distribution Center for approval and follow-up as necessary. Once approved, requestors receive materials from either from the Distribution Center or directly from the publisher.

The Bible Distribution Center’s financial support comes from the national Bible Distribution fund, which our local congregations support through collections. There is never a financial obligation when requesting materials. Each shipment includes an order summary that describes the value of the materials, but this is not an invoice. While HarvestCall appreciates direct donations to cover costs for individual orders, doing so is optional. Our main focus is spreading God’s Word freely!

Below are examples of how we distribute Bibles:

Local Opportunities

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.   (Isaiah 55:11)

We often don’t realize how many opportunities we have to share God’s word right in our own communities. Brethren across the nation have found numerous ways to make the Bible and other materials accessible to souls who may not take the initiative otherwise or lack the resources to obtain them.


  •     local food banks, 
  •     donation centers, 
  •     family resource centers, 
  •     shelters, 
  •     other community outreaches, 
  •     truck stops and gas stations, 
  •     college campuses, 
  •     restaurants, 
  •     other local businesses and offices, 
  •     auto dealerships and repair shops, 
  •     nursing homes, 
  •     hospitals (including Bible storybooks for maternity and pediatric wards), 
  •     doctor’s offices and other healthcare facilities, 
  •     libraries, and 
  •     advertisements in local media outlets. 

Some distributors place a phone number in the Bibles, so seeking souls may call for help. Anyone can carry Bibles and be ready to share. Other good ideas are to insert the helpful "Quick Start Guide to the Bible" and “God’s Perfect Plan of Salvation” tract into each Bible. It is a joy to share hope with others! 

Prison Ministry

I was in prison, and ye came unto me. (Matthew 25:36)

Many brethren in several different states serve in prison ministry. This ministry allows prisoners to hear God’s pure Word. Once released, they then have the opportunity to use the Word of God more effectively in their own lives and the lives of their families. This ministry allows believers to share Jesus Christ with those who have great needs and whose only hope is God.

The most extensive prison ministry HarvestCall supports is the Berean Prison Ministry. Receiving requests from jails and prisons in 45 different states, they ship more than two thousand Bibles monthly. Each prisoner only receives one Bible. The Bible can be the biggest treasure in a prison inmate’s “stash.” Every Bible contains a letter to that inmate. The letter explains the opportunity to complete and return Bible study lesson #1 to Berean Prison Ministry while encouraging them to complete 50 Bible lessons. When a prisoner returns Bible study #1, our brethren or friends grade the study. Some volunteers who do the grading are in our retirement homes, young groups, and sewing groups.

Volunteers send the graded Bible study back to the inmate along with three additional Bible studies. Graders currently process about 100,000 lessons per year. The Berean programs extend internationally to Russia, Romania, Mexico, Africa, Jamaica, Haiti, and Grenada.

Thanks for your prayers for the volunteers who give of their time to grade Bible Studies and for our church’s financial support for the Bibles and postage. Recipients have sent numerous appreciation letters, who describe the great benefits of being exposed to the Word of God.

Churches and orphanages in Mexico

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. (Matthew 28:19-20)

HarvestCall sends Spanish Bibles, Bible storybooks and hymnals to Mexico. Medical teams and work teams take more than three thousand Spanish Bibles to Mexico each year. Princeville church sends thousands of 25 Favorite Bible Story books to Mexico. We distribute a growing number of Spanish Bibles to our churches, orphanages and prisons. We also distribute Egermeier Bible Story books and both 25 and 101 Favorite Bible Story books. Some young people who receive them have never heard that they have a soul. We give some of these materials to young mothers, children, and others. We also provide CD’s, and large print Bibles.

On a visit to Mexico, a work team member visited several churches where our distribution program had given Bibles. They greatly appreciated the Bibles put them to good use. They also received some Bible storybooks and Spanish Hymnals. One young man refused a storybook offered him because he already had one. His honesty was inspiring. A young lady teaching music to the children in an orphanage was very thankful for the hymnals.

Disaster relief and food packages

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men... (Galatians 6:10)

Our brethren respond to many needs after disasters strike, by repairing and rebuilding homes. We place Bibles in the homes of those that we help. We also send Bibles with food packages that go around the world, to where there is a need.

The Champaign congregation supports “Empty Tomb,” an organization that identifies families in legitimate need of food. With each food delivery, they include a Bible. Others who deliver food from food banks or local sources also use this as a way to distribute Bibles.
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