Hospital Lumiere
Not far from our shores we see a people, whom God loves just as us, suffer for lack of basic health care.
The mission of Hospital Lumiere is to provide excellent and effective medical care with compassion and Christian love.
In Luke Chapter 10, an illustration of what it means to love your neighbor is explained by Jesus...
"Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbor unto him that fell among the thieves? And he said, He that showed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.??"
In God’s grace and mercy Hospital Lumiere will seek to transform the lives of the people living in the Bonne Fin area to the highest degree possible by delivering excellent medical care and sharing the love of Jesus Christ.
Hospital Lumiere is a 120-bed primary care medical-surgical hospital located in the village of Bonne Fin, high in the mountains of southern Haiti. HarvestCall support for Hospital Lumiere began in 1988 (through World Relief) and accelerated after the earthquake on January 12, 2010.
World Relief / HarvestCall Takes Over Management
On June 1, 2011 Apostolic Christian World Relief assumed management of daily operations at the hospital. Management continues now under HarvestCall. The challenges are great, matched only by God's provisions as we continue to improve the hospital to serve both the physical and spiritual needs of the Haitian people. As Hospital Lumiere’s need for assistance is both immediate, and likely will continue well into the future, please prayerfully consider how God has laid it on your heart to serve the Haitian people, those for whom Christ died.