Bolster Churches

Many of our Apostolic Christian Churches have 40 or fewer members and depend on the brotherhood for support.

View a list of our small churches to pray, visit, etc.

To help nurture and grow our small churches, a framework has been developed to help congregations transition to self-sustaining and thriving churches which exalt Christ. The USA Bolstering Committee works alongside local churches to provide resources, services and tools to assist them.

Six of our churches in Prescott, AZ; Wichita, KS; Lamar, MO; Heidelberg, ON; Valparaiso, IN and Garden Grove, IA are actively working with Bolstering Committee members to strengthen and grow their churches.

Framework to Nurture and Grow Small Churches

Through studying the scriptures and recent history of the start of our small churches, four key attributes are needed for our small congregations to thrive and become self-sustaining churches -- critical mass of believers, local ministry / leadership, common purpose or Vision for outreach and deep and abiding love for God and each other. Often within our small churches, these attributes have not materialized completely, which inhibits their establishment. 

Small Church Spotlight:
Wichita, KS

Wichita, KS is a small church that is now working with a Committee comprised of USA Bolstering brethren and brethren from other AC churches to grow and strengthen their church.
View more information about the efforts in Wichita.

Opportunities to Serve

We need everyone’s help to bolster our small churches. Pray for the work, move if you are called by the Lord, encourage and support those currently living in small church congregations, visit these congregations and give financial support. Read more about how you can help.

View a list of our small churches with 40 or fewer members to pray, visit, etc.

Are you being called to move to a small church area?

  • Pray for guidance and clear discernment from the Lord.
  • View a document to review key questions and thoughts to consider in preparation to relocate.
  • Counsel with your local elder including discussion of the key questions in the above document and potential next steps.
  • The HarvestCall Selection Process will be utilized to assist interested parties.  
  • Visit the church congregation.  
  • Contact Mike Grimm for more information.
Minister Rotations

Learn about this program to support small churches with regular visiting ministers. See the schedule and sort by church or date.
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