HarvestCall's 4 Focus Areas

This is about people being restored to what God created them to be. We want those we serve to understand they are created in the image of God with gifts, abilities, and capacity to make decisions and effect change. Our ministries will be focused on people, not projects. 2 Corinthians 5:18

The church is Christ’s primary means for preaching to the lost and nurturing new believers. The goal of evangelism is to make disciples who observe all that Christ commanded. Therefore, fulfilling the Great Commission necessitates church planting or working through the local church. 1 Timothy 4:13

In order to minister effectively, we will work with the Elder Body to thoroughly understand the gospel, the role of the church, and reach clarity on what is biblically unchangeable versus what can and should vary based on local cultures. Corinthians 9:21

We desire to learn together about engaging the materially poor, building inter-cultural relationships, and avoiding the dangers of paternalism. As we grow in our understanding, we will engage with local Apostolic Christian congregations to provide mentoring, resources, and lessons learned. Luke 14:11

On this journey we are grateful to be joined by many devoted volunteers, board members, committee leaders, missionaries, and staff from across the brotherhood. It takes all of us, working together as directed by the Lord, to implement this strategy.

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