We are thankful that you have worked through the discernment process for this opportunity. If you have not, please go back to the discernment page. It is required that a discernment process be completed for all missionary service.
This process will be led by HarvestCall's Missionary Care Director.
Your process of being sent will involve two steps.
The goal of the “Confirmation and Commissioning” phase is to confirm the Lord’s calling of brethren to be sent and commission them for the roles in which they have the needed gifts and perspective. HarvestCall will work with the mission/church and the sending church to guide the candidate through the confirmation process.
The selection process should be carried out as efficiently and thoroughly as possible. Each component of the process should be managed in light of the candidate’s privacy and with respect to his/her seeking the Lord’s will and guidance. Each situation will also be looked at individually. While the principles and processes will generally be followed, circumstances may dictate variations. In any circumstance, the candidate should receive full disclosure of the steps in the process and developments as they occur.
The confirmation process consists seeking the direction of God through three primary phases that ultimately confirm the support of HarvestCall. It is important to note that the phases may not happen in the same order for each candidate.
Candidates are asked to complete the Short-Term Ministry Questionnaire. This serves two purposes: 1) assists in getting to know the prospective candidate and 2) provides a way to pass information through the various steps of the process. This questionnaire will look and feel like a traditional application, but it is not. The goal of this document is to give HarvestCall a glimpse at who the candidate is and what he/she believes. The questionnaire should be approached with honesty and transparency. The questionnaire should be used as an opportunity for the candidate to prayerfully think through various aspects that are important to establishing the Apostolic Christian Church’s support for his/her service.
HarvestCall’s confirmation process involves two steps, a review with the Missionary Care Director and a review with ACCFS.
The first step is personal review with the the Missionary Care Director during which a discussion will be had regarding your readiness for service. The following areas may be reviewed during that discussion to determine readiness.
ACCFS review
For the ACCFS review, they will contact you to request that you complete several assessments. They will follow up with you on the conclusions of the assessments and they will be reviewed with the Missionary Care Director.
Since the goal of the confirmation and commissioning phase is for the Lord to confirm the calling that the brother/sister has received, it is vital for this part of the process to be fully surrendered to God. Prayer is critical to both seek God’s will for the process and for the candidate to prepare his/her heart to accept the conclusion of this phase, which will result in either support or a lack of support to move forward.
The mission review is with the mission/church where the prospective candidate is called to serve. This review will focus more on skills and fit with the mission and team. The timing and format of the interview will vary from mission to mission.
For all roles, candidates will be asked to complete both Law Enforcement background checks as well as Child Protective Services checks. HarvestCall will cover the cost of the background checks and will make a formal request to confirm your support to complete the needed checks.
Upon confirmation of the calling, the candidate should give prayerful and purposeful consideration to how this information will be shared with family members, church family, friends, employers, etc. While each situation is different, this information has the potential to be viewed positively or negatively. On the positive side, the calling provides a unique opportunity to serve and testify to the Lord’s work in the candidate’s life. There is also, however, the potential for hurt feelings due to separation and other sensitivities. Consideration should be given to ways to minimize these situations. When shared appropriately to brethren and the world, this communication can be God-honoring and edifying to the church.
HarvestCall is committed to the purposeful preparation and sending. The goals of this phase are to 1) provide a level of readiness and 2) engage the church to both “send” into service and to help him/her thrive in their mission. While it is the Lord that sends laborers into the harvest, both HarvestCall and the sending church play major roles in this effort.
The preparation and sending phase begins after confirmation of the calling has been received by HarvestCall and the mission/church. The role of HarvestCall is to provide effective and relevant training for the brother/sister through developing and implementing a training plan as well as outlining other preparatory goals. The completion of the goals and training will enable the brother/sister to be sent to his/her mission field. The sending church is responsible for providing the primary spiritual, fellowship and physical support.
In general, the preparation responsibility is held by the mission and the one being sent. HarvestCall will provide introductory training on several subjects related to serving with HarvestCall. This content will be delivered by MinistryGrid, HarvestCall’s training platform. These courses will be assigned to you by the missionary care director.
The most critical component of readiness and preparation is being prepared spiritually. Spiritual preparation is not about a checklist or a specific list of training classes. Instead, it is about the brother/sister developing a fully- dependent, obedient and intimate relationship with God. This involves utilizing and incorporating the Word of God in every aspect of life. Spiritual readiness will manifest itself through evidence of the Fruit of the Spirit, participation in the body of Christ, engaging on mission, and leading an overcoming life.
In accordance with the HarvestCall “Ministry Practices” Guiding Principle #8, “we will strive to minister in ways that are respectful and relevant to indigenous cultures, being careful not to create dependency.” In an effort to apply this principle, a commitment to learning about and how to appropriately live in the culture being served is critical. Cultural acquisition is not necessarily the full adoption of and adherence to the local culture, but is a commitment to learn and respect the culture. The goal is to minister the Gospel in such a way that the message is not hindered by cultural roadblocks. Learning a culture will likely involve living among those being served, building relationships, asking many questions and being willing to make mistakes. Books and other formal resources can also assist with cultural learning.
Due to the short-term nature of your service, no formal cultural or language training will be offered. But, it is recommended that purposeful language and cultural learning be pursued throughout the duration of your service.
Often, medical precautions such as vaccinations are needed to serve in the mission area. The brother/sister is encouraged to ask those currently serving within the mission for recommendations and advice. Review the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website for the host country and abide by the recommendations for medical preparation. If the brother/sister does not wish to follow the CDC recommendations, he/she should discuss this with personnel in his/her respective mission.
In preparation and sending, the brother/sister will need divine encouragement and direction in advance of moving to the field. The brother/sister should ask the Lord for wisdom, guidance and understanding to prepare him/her for the field. Due to the increased stress of transition, the brother/sister should continue to pray throughout this time.
A mentor is a brother or sister in Christ who provides primary spiritual accountability to the brother/sister through the roles of listening, coaching and counseling. It is strongly recommended to identify a mentor. While the mentor does not need to be from the sending church, he/she will be functioning on behalf of the home Elder and therefore need to be confirmed by him. The mentor also acts as a liaison on behalf of the Elder to provide spiritual support. The foundation for the mentoring relationship between the brother/sister and the mentor should be consistent communication (at least two times per month).
Due to the short-term nature of your service, there will not be an official sending by the local church. But, that should not diminish the importance of the local church in your service, accountability, and support. It is strongly encouraged that some connection is maintained during your service and a “reporting” back to your church and local leaders following your service.
After your service has been completed, an “exit interview” will be scheduled with you to review your experience. HarvestCall has particular interest in what was a blessing during your experience, what could be improved, and what your level of interest is in future service opportunities. This exit interview may be completed either by your manager within your ministry or by the Missionary Care Director.