Saturday, March 26, 2022

March 29, 2022

Third Food/Supplies Trip to Ukraine

Filip & Adriana took the 3rd shipment into Ukraine on 3/24/22. The situation is worse than before although so far there is no fighting. However, they are taking away the private cars from individual people for use in the military. This news is fresh and the extent of it not known. The planting season is very much in question. They cannot get seed or fertilizer very easily. There is no soybean seed. Other seeds are available in limited supply. Fuel for the machines is also very tight. It does not look good for a harvest this year. All of this is fluid.

European Committee Trip to Romania.

Bros. Pete Webel (Mansfield), Joel Putt (Remington), and Ken Manz (Junction) plan to leave Monday, 3/28/22 and return 4/7/22. They go to show support and presence for the relief efforts surrounding Antioch and to assess the situation there to help guide efforts on an ongoing basis. Even if the fighting would stop immediately, there would be millions of displaced people, the effects of pricing and availability of food and supplies as well as rebuilding.

Eastern Ohio HC Distribution Center is Gathering Goods for Shipment:

This includes the comforters, beds, mattresses, sheets, etc. They anticipate the first shipment by air to the Netherlands next week. The goods will be trucked from Antioch in Romania from there. Many other efforts are ongoing at other centers and congregations.

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