Friday, April 1, 2022

April 1, 2022

Large Shipment Leaves Today 

Based on feedback by European Committee (EEC) members traveling with Filip to the border and into Ukraine and a lot of work at the Eastern Ohio Distribution Center, it was decided to ship by air to Netherlands and truck to Antioch in Romania. The shipment leaves today and is expected to reach the Netherlands by April 12 and Antioch about 10 days later. The shipment consists of 1,462 comforters, 200 bed sheets, 200 pillow cases, 100 toddler PVC bunk cots with canvas tops, 50 adult foam padded plywood bunk cots, 28 foam mattresses, 3,600 pairs of adult socks, and 100 infant layette kits. Thanks to all everywhere for bringing this all together. Most of this will be used at refugee camps throughout Romania and in Chernivitsi, Ukraine (near our brethren where refugees are displaced within Ukraine from embattled areas).

Fourth Food/Supplies Trip to Ukraine 

Packing was done Wed. morning March 30th at Antioch by a dozen participants. Filip & Adriana, along with three EEC members, left after lunch and drove to the border where they stayed overnight. The morning was spent touring the Romanian side of the border and assessing their needs for beds and associated supplies. We saw a slow-moving line of refugees seeking to cross the border on foot. They were mostly women, children and older men. It took nearly 2 hours for us to get through customs. A car of our brethren met us at the border and we followed them to the Chahor church where lunch was served and the loaded van and covered trailer were unloaded. There were 15 men and boys and 7 women and girls from Ukraine who helped. We met with 2 elders and an ordained deacon to deliver money, to discuss EEC matters and to get an update on what is happening and expected. Chahor church is about 40 minutes North of the Romanian border, we were at the church about 3.5 hours, and it take 1 hour to cross coming back.

The police and military are taking men into the military. If they see men on the streets, they take them - so the younger men are advised to stay home. Men age 18 to 60 are eligible, but for now those with 3 or more children are exempt. So far, none of our believers have been taken, but there was one close call. They did not know whether the men would be allowed to be assigned so they didn’t have to bear arms. The authorities have taken some vehicles, some large tractors, and some supplies from citizens or organizations. So far, our Nazarene brethren have given 2 used vehicles. There is very little work. Some wages have been reduced, and prices are high. Government payments to support raising children have not been received the last 3 months.

About 5 believing families have left the country and are not expected to come back. About 4 families are now in Romania and are expected to come back. The Ukrainian brethren are very thankful for the love and support they receive. They are receiving help from other European and American churches. They are working hard to avoid long term dependencies as they administer the funds and supplies. Prayers are appreciated and they pray for us.


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