Friday, April 8, 2022

April 8, 2022

Report from Brothers Pete Webel, Joel Putt and Ken Manz who recently returned from a trip to Romania and into Ukraine, on behalf of the HarvestCall European Committee (EEC).

We felt the prayers of the church. We felt love and support from the brethren in Romania and Ukraine. The Antioch facility provides material aid for Romania and Ukraine as well as Nazarene brethren in other countries. We very much appreciate the efforts of Bro. Filip Augustinov and his family at Antioch.

Some items discussed or acted upon were good relations with the Antioch board, what brethren in Ukraine are facing, extra seed money for Ukrainian farms and gardens, brethren with more than 3 children leaving Ukraine to find work or to immigrate, a corn header request, military service and bearing arms, spiritual messaging along with material aid, BCS garden tillers with attachments for Ukraine and Romania, comforter and adult brief shipments, beds and bedding shipments, food materials from USA, ongoing funding needs, Ukraine government/military taking vehicles for military use, planning an EEC visit in June, and investigating funding material aid for refugees in Hungary. 

Our theme was brotherhood – we are brothers to Jesus Christ and we purpose to treat all his brothers as he would ask us to. There are differences in language and culture, but as Bro. Duane Farney says, “People are people wherever you go.” 

Typical days started at 9 am and ended about 10:30 pm with additional hours spend discussing, communicating with EEC, writing reports and translating. We spent many hours (perhaps average 6 to 7 hours per day) riding in the white VW van making a trip to Ukraine and delivering food packages to individuals and congregations for their distribution. Typically, we were pulling a trailer. 

There are about 30 people from Ukraine in Romania either working, seeking medical help, or planning to immigrate. They are housed in members’ homes and at Antioch living quarters (where we stay). Feeding that many people 3 times a day is quite a challenge.

The trip to Ukraine was definitely a highlight. We loaded the van and covered trailer for Ukraine Wednesday morning and drove to a hotel at the border town of Siret, Romania. We spent the morning touring the border on Romanian side and investigating needs. We crossed the border and went to the Chahor church where we unloaded, ate, and spent 2 hours meeting with 2 elders and a minister. There were 22 people there to help besides Filip, Adriana and we three. We were very warmly received. We stayed overnight at a hotel and arrived home Friday evening.

Our ties are strong with brethren in Ukraine and Romania. Everywhere, they tell us they thank the Lord and us and greetings to all the churches in America. They pray for us and ask for our prayers in their time of need. We can learn a lot from them and deeply appreciate their faith in action.

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