Friday, April 22, 2022

April 22, 2022

The comforter shipment has reached the Netherlands and is waiting to clear customs before being trucked to Antioch. The beds and bedding are to be shipped into Ukraine.

Since we returned from our trip 2 weeks ago, Brother Filip has taken his 5th and 6th trips into Ukraine. Along with the last load was one of the BCS tillers we purchased for their gardens (see photo). The border was very busy partially due to Easter Orthodox Easter being this week. With thanks to God, Filip is safely at home and delivering food packages in Romania. He sends his love and greetings to everyone including the greetings of the brethren in Ukraine.

The situation in Ukraine has not changed a lot in the last week although things seem to be tightening up as far as security at the border and along the streets with lots of police and checkpoints everywhere.  Another source told us this week that there were 558 vehicles waiting to cross at the Ukrainian border. He got across in two hours on entry and fairly rapidly on exit for which we are all thankful.

Availability of consumer goods in the stores and markets is very sporadic. Some days available and some days not, but always getting more expensive. Diesel is very expensive and getting higher and very hard to get. The brothers are attempting to work the fields, but they have to be very careful as the military picks up any young man that they can see and takes them to the army. Filip says there is no exemption for believers and all must carry weapons according to military law. So far none of our brethren have been taken in this manner.  However, there is constant anxiety and they have to watch everywhere they go.

The believers are trying to live lives as normal as possible, and with gratitude to God they were able to have a baptism in Dimka this past weekend. However as stated there is a lot of uncertainty and great anxiety and worry among everyone. We need to keep each other in our prayers.

Yesterday, an Around-the-Table session was recorded on Stories from Ukraine which should be available to listen to on AC Central soon.

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