Ukraine trip report

July 15, 2022

Ukrainian Update/ European Trip Report 7/12/2022

Elder Bros. Dave Graf (Akron), Gerry Hertzel (Sabetha), & Lowell Moser (Morris) along with Bros. Pete Webel (Mansfield), Matt Steiner (Rittman), & Bill Eisenmann (Latty) represented the HarvestCall European Committee on a recent trip from June 22nd thru July 7, 2022. The Romanian hosts – Bro. Filip and Sis. Adriana Augustinov & their family – made 4 pick-up trips and 2 return trips to Timisoara, Romania airport and 1 pick-up trip to Budapest, Hungary airport. God richly blessed this trip and we are very thankful for the brothers safe return.

The highlights of the trip itinerary were:

  • June 24th – Friday evening food packaging. Dave and Bill were there when 440 large and 440 small packages were prepared as they are each month. Many of you will remember when these were done in Bluffton. We and Iron Curtain Ministries pay for the supplies and the Romanian brethren package and deliver them.
  • June 25th to 27th - Sunday worship and meetings in Dimka, Ukraine church on June 26th. Dave, Bill, Filip, and Adriana left the Antioch facility in Romania at 11:15 am Saturday June 25th and travelled to Siret, Romania on the Ukrainian border arriving at 10:45 pm. It cost $150 for 18.7 gallons diesel ($8/gal).  They crossed the border on Sunday June 26th and arrived at Dimka church at 6 am. They had breakfast, morning service (after which Dave and Bill were given opportunity to encourage the church), unloaded the van and trailer, had lunch, had a 2 hour meeting with Ukrainian elders and deacons (about 20). The brothers were at the Dimka church for more than 12 hours. They again stayed at the border hotel Sunday night and arrived at the Antioch facility at 8:40 pm Monday, June 27th.
  • June 28th – Tuesday meeting with Filip about Antioch and various projects. Dave, Lowell, Pete and Bill met with Filip. Highlights include adult depends, clothing donated for Ukraine currently in the Rittman distribution center, and higher costs for winter heating and diesel fuel. There were around 30 people at the evening meal from Ukraine, Germany, Romania and America.
  • June 29th – Wednesday meeting with Hungarian elders and church services in Baja, Hungary. Dave, Lowell, Pete and Bill traveled with Filip to Baja, Hungary where they met with 10 Hungarian elders, 1 deacon and 2 interpreters. The topic was Ukraine. 2 Hungarian elders and a deacon had recently accompanied Filip and Adriana to Ukraine with a delivery. The discussion was friendly and open and our approaches to sending aid to Ukraine is similar – both using Filip’s weekly deliveries to distribute funds to Ukraine. Evening church services started at 6 pm, followed by a few remarks by Dave and Bill and a singing and fellowship concluding at 9 pm. Adriana and 10 of her and Filip’s children joined the group for the evening meal and church. Arrived at Antioch at 1 am.
  • June 30th – Thursday meeting with Romanian elders and deacons. Dave, Lowell, Pete and Bill met with six Romanian elders and deacons at Antioch. Church building projects were discussed with highlight of approval of renovation project at Tasnad church. Cash aid was discussed with a likely increase in funds for winter fuel due to 60% increase in prices. The brethren are very thankful for the assistance and they stretch it pretty far. There are many older brethren and Romanian pensions are meager. Food packages were delivered to Chesa and Rapa congregations in the evening.
  • July 1st – Friday food package deliveries to Caransebes and Toplets congregations and tour along the Danube River. Dave left to return to USA. Lowell, Pete, and Bill accompanied Filip.
  • July 2nd – Saturday evening singing at Arad church. The singing was from 6 to 8 pm. Two couples from Orashaza, Hungary including Elder Bro. Ferrenc Hegedus and his wife attended as they brought money for Filip to take to Ukraine on Monday.
  • July 3rd – Sunday church services at Timisoara and Caransebes, Romania. Gerry, Lowell and Bill went with Filip and his family to morning service at Timisoara followed by lunch at the church. Afternoon services were at Caransebes with brethren from Toplets and Teregova in attendance. Gerry, Lowell, and Bill each added a few remarks. This was followed by a singing and a meal. Filip’s son Tobias and Pete drove to Budapest airport to pick up Matt and missed out on the day’s other activities.
  • July 4th thru 6th. Tuesday meetings in Chahor, Ukraine.  Gerry, Lowell, Pete, Matt and Bill left the Antioch facility in Romania at 11 am Monday July 4th and travelled to Siret, Romania on the Ukrainian border arriving at 10:45 pm. They crossed the border on Tuesday, July 5th and arrived at Chahor church at 7:50 am. The van and trailer were unloaded and then breakfast was served. 4 Ukrainian elders, 8 deacons and other brothers attended the meeting. The Bukovina area where the churches are have not been bombed. Work opportunities are limited, construction has slowed considerably, government family aid is reduced, food and fuel are still available but very expensive, and medicine is hard to find. We likely will increase the regular aid given three times per year by 25%. Some agriculture needs were discussed. Matt shared some details of the Ukrainian families who are refugees in the Rittman area. The group left Chahor church at 8:45 pm and arrived at the border hotel at 10:30 pm after a 75 minute border crossing. On Wednesday July 6th, the travelers left for Antioch at 7 am and arrived at 6 pm. They had a final meal at Filip’s house where they were joined by Elder Bro. Laci and Sis. Katarina Augustinov (Filip’s parents).
  • Filip took Gerry, Lowell, Pete, Matt and Bill to Timisoara airport for a 6:15 am flight to Munich, Germany. At Munich, the brothers had a quick meal together and then said their good-byes to catch various flights. Each of the brothers returned safely home after traveling up to 27 hours. Thus ended a very blessed trip.

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