Short Term Medical Missions

"And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick" - Luke 9:2

A Short-Term Medical Mission trip is an opportunity to experience encouraging fellowship with other health care workers, to support local health care workers in their ministry/mission, and to learn from them and those they serve.

“God is glorified as despair and suffering are alleviated, hearts and minds are transformed, and churches are established and nurtured.” (HarvestCall Vision)

Illness, like material poverty, often reveals the health of one’s relationships. Those who lack supportive relationships often struggle to survive and heal; their spiritual and relational brokenness manifests in physical "unwellness," material poverty, and sometimes an earlier death. We can sometimes be so focused on solving a problem or curing a disease that we lose sight of the importance of relationship in healing. Showing up is healing. Giving time to listen and understand is healing. Sacrificing personal convenience to serve someone else is healing. The relationship itself is therapeutic.

Consistent with HarvestCall’s 4 Focus Areas we strive to ensure that our Short-Term Medical Missions endeavor to

  1. Restore people to what God created them to be through highly relational people-focused ministries that enable their growth, flourishing, and fruitfulness (Ministry of Reconciliation)
  2. Support, learn from, and work through local health care providers and churches understanding that the church is Christ’s primary means for preaching to the lost and nurturing new believers into disciples who observe all that he commanded. (Centrality of the Church)
  3. Understand that submission and conformity to Christ as Lord in all areas of one’s life may look different in different situations and cultures. So, we take time to learn and understand both scripture and local culture in order to discern what best exalts the Kingdom of God (Clarity of the Gospel).
  4. Teach and model cultural, spiritual, and professional humility through willingness to learn from others in order to become better equipped to serve in the places God has called us (Journey of Learning).

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