Collaborative Consultations

"And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick" - Luke 9:2

Under the guidance and oversight of HC leadership, the Medical Committee periodically collaborates with the elder body and other ACCA entities to provide information on medical related topics from a Christian perspective.

  • We provide information without setting policy: we acknowledge that our scientific background and health care experiences give us valuable perspective and insight into the human condition and spiritual concerns that can be used to inform and support HarvestCall entities, our general brotherhood, and those with oversight of the church body regarding health-related topics. We understand and respect the burden of responsibility each bears for the decisions they make. 
  • We demonstrate and model epistemic humility: both in the process of developing content and in the details of the content itself. We acknowledge the limits of our own knowledge and allow room for the Spirit to work differently in the lives of different believers.
  • We seek to build the body up in love: Using the second greatest commandment as our model we consider the impact of our words and perspective on the body of Christ knowing that “what is important is faith expressing itself in love” (Galatians 5:6b NLT).

Ad hoc groups formed by the Medical Committee to research and prepare information upon request, also serve to foster collaboration and fellowship among ACCA medical providers. This also helps to reduce professional isolation and allows medical brethren to more deeply examine the relationship between their work and their faith.

See some of our completed projects

If you are interested in contributing or learning more, please email the Medical Committee at

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