Monday Jan 13
In this just-released
eight-minute video
you will hear firsthand from Haitians about the importance of producing affordable dairy products in Haiti, get a tour of Good Vision Farm and learn about the ultimate purpose of this ministry.
Monday Aug 13
Making the Gospel Practical
In Haiti, decades of corruption, political conflicts, and failed policies have left many people in Haiti destitute, hopeless, and lacking necessary infrastructure that we in America take for granted. Out in the rural countryside of Haiti, local Haitian farmers stop by Good Vision Farm, location of the dairy ministry program, asking for seed or fertilizer, or if Mr. Les can plow their fields for them. They come willing to pay, with money in hand. They have no other way to obtain these services. In the US, we take our immense agricultural infrastructure for granted, and it just doesn’t exist in Haiti. The visibility of the emerging activity, construction and happenings at the Good Vision Farm provides great opportunities for modelling Christian living and applying biblical principles. Bro. Les Kaeb, program administrator in Haiti for the HarvestCall Haiti Dairy Program, finds ways to show applications daily with the workers at the farm and the many local farmers they interact with.
An example of this happened recently. One day Les came in from seeding a field and realized his key ring had fallen off his belt loop. Les, along with helpers Jony and Samuel, headed toward the field to look for a figurative needle in a haystack, potentially buried by the seeder behind the tractor. Les paused to pray beside the tractor as the others walked ahead. As he then followed them, he watched Samuel walk along the field, look down, bend and pick up the keys, as if an angel had guided him straight to them. God doesn’t always answer our prayers in such an obvious way, but when he does, it’s a wondrous reminder of the amazing God we serve.
The people in the region are very aware of this HarvestCall ministry. A Christian research firm recently surveyed Haitian residents to determine their perception of the HarvestCall dairy program. It was amazing how positive the responses were, beginning with the very first venture after purchasing the land…installing a community well. Respondents reported that they had already been touched by the gospel preached by HarvestCall, except that to them that gospel has been more practical than what they are used to. For instance, they believe that the construction of the community well was a Godsend. It was built right before three consecutive years of drought, Haiti’s worst in 35 years. The main rivers and other sources of waters were dried. The well was the only point of water available in the community. “We wonder if it was not a miracle.” Every day there were long lines at the well with people, motorcycles, and vehicles coming to get water for all sorts of needs, including drinking, washing, farming, etc. People came from all the neighboring communities. They concluded that “The well is a fortune for us.”
We would love to share more stories and plans that we have for this Good Vision Farm. Please come to the 2ndAnnual Haiti Dairy Benefit Dinner on Saturday, August 11, 2018 from noon to 3 at the Mueller Barn in Clinton, Wisconsin (about 20 miles north of Belvidere, IL). We are planning a delicious summer picnic meal of smoked pork tenderloin, baked beans, potato salad, creamy cole slaw, and watermelon; you are invited to fix your own ice cream sundae for dessert. We are looking forward to sharing the new video that is being put together right now for the Good Vision Farm, and attendees of the benefit dinner will be among the very first to view it. Seating is limited. To RSVP, or for more information,
Monday Jul 2
Meet Lady Vanessa
Our Haiti dairy at Good Vision Farm has a new calf! Meet Lady Vanessa (new mom) and baby girl, Belle. Mom and baby seem to be just fine!
This cow was purchased as a heifer locally in Haiti. We are still waiting for the Lord to open doors for additional cattle from the US to come to the farm in his time. Ecclesiastes 3:11
Friday Feb 23
Haiti Dairy cattle shipment update
After the quarantine question was resolved, we met another unexpected disruption when our shipper (the only shipper from Miami that hauls cattle) informed us they no longer were willing to stop at Port-au-Prince with our cattle. This caused us to explore sending the animals by air, which is much more expensive. But then we learned that our shipper would be willing to stop at Port Rio Haina, Dominican Republic and work with us to secure transit permits to truck them from there to our farm in Haiti. One way or another, we believe God will work this all out!
Tuesday Jan 23
One step closer
Haiti Dairy Program on Good Vision Farm is one step closer to getting a sea container of cattle sent down to Haiti. After an important face-to-face meeting between HarvestCall dairy program committee members and Haitian government officials, there is now a signed agreement about where these cattle may serve quarantine after arrival in Haiti, and it’s on Good Vision Farm! Your prayers for this ambitious task would be appreciated since there are still a lot of things to do and hurdles to overcome before cows start to calve in February.
Picture: livestock sea container like the one that is planned to be used later in October to transport up to 16 head of bred dairy heifers and bulls to Good Vision Farm near Les Cayes, Haiti.
Thursday Oct 12
Benefit Dinner
We are thankful for the over 200 people who attended the HarvestCall Haiti Dairy Program benefit dinner yesterday. If you were unable to be there but wish to support the ministry work on Good Vision Farm, please go to:
Miracle of the Pouch
A troubling incident recently occurred on Good Vision Farm, site of HarvestCall’s Haiti Dairy Program. At first it seemed really bad, but through prayer and God’s sovereign workings, it turned into testimony of God’s grace. The story follows.
Major construction is underway as the dairy prepares for cows to arrive this fall and milking to begin around February. Many Haitian tradesmen and laborers are involved. There is a tremendous amount of local interest in this farm and the tight-knit community is excited about the progress.
One afternoon, Bro. Les Kaeb, the missionary farm manager, went to pay some workers and discovered that his pouch (large wallet) was missing. It was soon determined it had been stolen by a visiting painter who had just left very abruptly. While the loss of money was disappointing, most disturbing was that the pouch contained Les’ passport – and the Kaeb family had plans to visit the US in just nine days….
An unusual response
Les made plans for the 5+ hour trip to Port au Prince to get an expedited passport. Meanwhile, the community was in turmoil, concerned that this theft would discourage the Kaebs and cause them to leave Hatii for good and abandon the dairy. A gazebo meeting was called. When the Kaebs arrived, they found the gazebo overflowing with Haitians all dressed up. Some had to stand outside and peek between those seated at the wall.
In Les’ words, this is what he told them: “I started by expressing our appreciation of the way this community has rallied around us. I went on to say that just because of this, we were not going to be leaving. The Holy Spirt was certainly there and took over at this point. We talked about forgiveness towards this man. We made the comparison of the violation we all felt from this man stealing in this community to the false accusations and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Reminding all of us that if we want to be forgiven we have to forgive. I mentioned that he can take my passport and my money but he could never take the peace of God and the joy I feel because of Jesus Christ. I did not do all the talking, many of them shared and it was an amazing experience. We talked about giving it to God and allowing him to be the Judge. We need to recognize that Satan does not want us doing good for Jesus and we can expect him to attack us.”
Many Haitians shared supporting thoughts. One man stepped forward and said he was not a Christian, but what he is witnessing has to be the power of God. The behavior Les was witnessing was remarkable. Culturally in Haiti, thieves are shown no mercy.
"God is here!"
Later that day, Les’ right-hand Haitian assistant Maxi came with a big grin on his face saying he had good news. He walked with Les along the canal and then a ways off the beaten path. There, up against an above ground tomb, under some weeds was Les’ pouch. The farmer who had found it kept grinning and saying over and over” God is here! God is here!” He had been drying rice on the top of his wife’s tomb, when a rain shower popped up. He went to pick up some that had dropped on the ground and discovered the pouch. (See photo of tomb above.)
Les said, “I’m so thankful that God brought this farmer, his rice, and this shower of rain – even though we thought we have had enough rain – to expose where the pouch was stashed.” Inside was Les’ passport and important receipts. Only the cash was gone.
After retrieving the pouch and walking back to the gazebo, the community had gathered and was praising God for His goodness. You could just see the joy on their faces. Maxi and Les shared with them Isaiah 40:31. Les said, "I have to believe that God did not want me to be without my passport. He also wanted us to give up something so that He could show the world that it is all His.”
Word of this incident quickly spread throughout the region. An example of this occurred a few days later when Les was filling up his vehicle with gas. One of the security guards saw Les, and he said, “You’re the one who had your passport stolen, and God gave it back to you!” Praise God for finding such unique ways to glorify His name!
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
Friday Jun 16
Sea container arrives with equipment
It's like Christmas in June at Good Vision Farm, site of our Haiti Dairy Program! A container full of equipment was just unloaded. It included a John Deere 5075 tractor, planter, disc and corn sheller, plus irrigation equipment and much more. Praise God for His goodness, for this safe delivery, and for His clear direction in moving forward with developing this ministry.
Monday Jun 5
Permit obtained! Now moving ahead rapidly
After months of delays due to challenges in obtaining certificates and permits, the doors have opened to begin constructing the buildings necessary for beginning the physical operation of this program, which is to create a demonstration dairy farm and eventual dairy milking hub. The gospel will be shared and Christian principles exhibited as we work together with the Haitian community to improve dairy production.
Les and Christine Kaeb, along with their daughter Lana, are currently in Haiti overseeing the development of this program.
Obstacles Removed, Excitement GrowingIn early April, over 30 Haitian farmers, representing nearly 70 milking cows, gathered in the Good Vision Farm’s gazebo to hear updates about the progress of the program. HarvestCall committee members were present, witnessing first-hand the interest and questions coming directly from the people most closely affected by the program. The Haitian people first sang a verse of “How Great Thou Art” in Creole, the familiar melody wafting over the beautiful Torbeck plain. Then Les expressed what appreciation he felt as God led them safely from the devastation of Hurricane Matthew to the excitement of receiving the go-ahead to begin construction. Clearly, the program has shifted from a time of waiting and planning to a time of forging ahead. It was a surprise to learn that the farmers who intend to participate have significantly increased their interest in raising heifers. The Haitians seem especially interested in improving genetics and learning how to improve the way they feed cows. They are paying close attention to seeing just how effective brachiaria grass will be for dairy feed.
On the animal side, two heifers were just purchased at a local Haitian market. Lana Kaeb has affectionately named them Ivory and Ebony, and they appear to be in excellent condition. Some heifers are also housed in Rittman, Ohio, and they will be bred in May. These are Gyr crossbred with Holstein. The Gyr breed has been identified as tolerating the Haitian climate better than some other dairy breeds. These animals will calve in early 2018, creating some expediency that we be ready.
Currently, the shop/depot is nearing completion. Plans are to start more construction projects, including a missionary home and guest quarters, a feed center, simple animal handling structures, and finally a milking center. A sea container filled with farm equipment and seed will be loaded in late April for delivery in May. Forage is being grown; heifers are being raised. Construction will require work teams that are currently being planned, including electrical and plumbing.
Friday Apr 28
"God is in the Gazebo"
One of the first accomplishments of the Haiti Dairy Program (HDP), was building a gazebo and community well. This is a gathering place for meetings and for the community. After Hurricane Matthew, the foliage and trees were stripped away from the area, and nearly every tin roof. Amazingly, the gazebo was left relatively unscathed. The folks in the community like to say that “God is in the gazebo” and they especially enjoy the shade it provides when they are using the well. Praise God that our missionaries are all safe, no animals within the HDP perished, and major damage was spared at the farm and living area. Our great God also provided an opportunity to strengthen relationships with local farmers, as their crops were demolished. These farmers needed to replant but had no resources. Through HDP, black bean seed was provided to them.
Bro. Les Kaeb, missionary for the program, has been diligent in working on the forage program and building relationships within the community as we waited for the required government approvals before initiating a dairy processing hub. Months of red tape ensued as the needed certificate was delayed or denied. Then, just before Thanksgiving, a miracle happened. Bro. Les had been working with a new Haitian accountant and he asked Les to stop by his office. When Les arrived, he was stunned to be handed the needed certificate! Praise be to God! We continue to trust in His timing.
Now that this huge obstacle has been put aside, the decisions of finalizing equipment, cows, and building priorities are here, and there are many details to consider.
How you can help:
Thursday Dec 1
Winter 2016 Update
At HarvestCall’s Dairy Program Farm in the Torbeck plain of Haiti, it has become a common sight to see a gathering of local residents and farmers at the front of the property. A spot with lots of activity is the community well which our water aid team drilled on the site. Local residents often walk animals to get water at the farm water well, which has become an especially important asset to the area as the drought of 2015 brought severe water shortages. This well is accessible to more farmers in the area now that a bridge has been constructed over the irrigation canal.
A gazebo is nearing completion on the premises. This gazebo will be important as a gathering place for instruction and communication for the program. The dairy program site has already become a popular gathering spot for the neighborhood as a result of the completed projects.
The purpose of the Haiti Dairy Program is to promote Christ to Haitian farmers and improve their lives. The mission is to establish the heart of a viable Haitian dairy industry through farmers honoring God and working cooperatively. By working with Haitian dairy farmers, experimenting with more nutritious forages, introducing cows bred to produce milk while withstanding the hot climate, and teaching techniques to improve milk production, there is an opportunity to improve the economic conditions of the farmers and provide nutritious milk to many underfed children of Haiti. Moreover, the program is an opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ and bring the gospel message of salvation through the shed blood of Jesus to all the farmers in the area.
“--- desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.” 1 Peter 2,3
A few months ago,
Bro. Les Kaeb and his wife, Sis. Christine, have relocated from Francesville, IN to Haiti to manage the activities of the Haiti Dairy Program. In addition to forage development, gazebo and bridge construction, and the community water well, plans are underway to construct a shop and storage depot on the farm, where building supplies, tools, planting and seeding equipment, and feed can be stored out of the elements. A small house for a Haitian manager is also in the works.
Back in the states, calves have been born for importation to Haiti. These cows are a cross between Gyr, a warm climate breed, and Holstein, a high milk production breed. Also planned is a purchase of local cows to determine which animals will produce best on the forages developed.
Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness 2 Corinthians 9:10
How You Can Help with the Haiti Dairy Program
PRAY For Bro. Les and the dairy program committee as they work with the Haitian people to bring the gospel to them and improve their lives.
GIVE If you are moved to help with financial support, contributions may be made to AC HarvestCall - Haiti Dairy Program.
VOLUNTEERConsider participating in an upcoming work team. Plans are in the works for one this Spring. Watch the website and the Silver Lining.
Monday Jan 11
Starting a Herd
Photo of cow at dairy farm.
Wednesday Apr 29
Planting Forage
Forage planting at farm.
Wednesday Apr 22
Seedbed Prep
Leveling the soil for seedbed preparation.
Wednesday Apr 15
Clearing Land
Clearing the land for development.
Tuesday Feb 10
Water Well
Dairy Farm Community Members join in a prayer of thanks after successfully drilling a new water well for the farm.
Wednesday Dec 10