1. Forage production to produce quality feed for the cattle. Already a number of small test plots have been planted and harvested resulting in encouraging forage analysis results. Currently in Haiti, most feed is cut fresh and carried to the cattle. Limited stored forage is used, so a system/rotation will need to be established that provides harvestable quality forage all year round.
2. A dairy herd of 8 – 12 lactating dairy cows plus some heifers will be the nucleus herd. An importation of pregnant heifers and possibly some younger heifers will account for the initial cattle inventory. Various breeds, such as Holstein and Jersey, will be included, plus a number of Holstein X GYR cross (Girolando) heifers. The cattle will need to be bred for good reproduction/health rather than just high milk production
3. A small milking station will be used to milk the model farm lactating cattle. As the farm develops, local farmers also can bring their cows in to be milked. A cooling tank will be needed to hold the milk until sold or processed.
4. A small milk processing center may be developed as the cattle begin lactating and produces a quantity of milk. This would enable milk to be purchased from local farmers who bring their cows to the milking station.