The Deaf have historically had limited access to Language, Affirmation, Community, and Knowledge (LACK). To answer that need, CCCD Montego Bay offers continuing education to equip graduates for careers. Though the world has told them that there are many things they cannot do, the efforts of HarvestCall and CCCD in Jamaica are helping the Deaf to prove that Deaf Can! There is growth in openness of Jamaicans to communicate with, affirm, and accept the Deaf. Through the specialized knowledge and skills gained, CCCD Montego Bay students graduate well prepared to excel in the workforce and to support themselves and their families.
By sponsoring continuing education courses at Montego Bay, Jamaica, you leverage the education that CCCD and HarvestCall Child Sponsorship have provided to sustain graduates. In addition, you support training in scriptural principles of family and help students witness to the world around them. You are actually sponsoring the next generation, helping them know how to provide for and raise their children in Christ-centered homes.
You can partner to provide funding for teachers and teaching supplies for the courses that are offered. As offerings grow, we hope to offer sponsors a choice of subjects they would like to support. Each sponsor is asked to provide $50 per month.
We currently offer sponsorships for the following courses:
If you have expertise in a particular area and can provide equipment or other useful instructional material, gifts in kind are another way of supporting the classes. Sea containers are shipped from our Goodfield distribution facility to Jamaica.
All classes will include outcomes common to the core secondary curriculum, bolstering communication skills and biblical instruction.
Sponsors will be able to follow the progress of their class through:
You will receive correspondence in the spring and fall. A student from the class will write you a letter, and as new class photos are taken, they will be sent to you. CCCD also provides a newsletter update each year to show the accomplishments and people of Montego Bay's CADE campus.
The most rewarding outcome anticipated from this program is when sponsors receive updates from graduates who have experienced opportunities and success as a direct result of the education you help to give them.
Thank you for contacting us.