A note from Bro. Filip – “May God’s peace be with you all. It now looks that it would be greatly necessary to help the refugees from Ukraine. I am trying to send food stuffs, diapers for children, bed covers (comforters), etc. They also requested if we could help them with a generator for electricity.” He said some of these people are in Romania and some are waiting on the Ukrainian side. They are sleeping in a very bad situation and they need these products.
· Sis. Kendra Ramsier was contacted for a count on comforters and opening up sizes and types of bed coverings. Some of these may go to Hungary as well as Antioch Distribution Center.
· Bro. Christopher Indermuhle is investigating plywood bed frames, foam mattresses, pillows and sheet sets for refugees. Also, possibly helping the Hungarian brethren fund space to house refugees.