Financial contributions are a necessary part of operating this outreach to help others and are handled with the utmost carefulness and efficiency. Our wish is that what you previously gave to both World Relief and Mission Committee would now be directed to HarvestCall.
f you have questions about how church collections should be handled, please visit our FAQs page.
Donations of cash or property to Apostolic Christian HarvestCall will qualify as deductible as charitable contributions since HarvestCall is a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization. Donations may be made at the local church level or at the national level. Any donations received will be considered "unrestricted" unless designated for a specific purpose.
Checks can be given to your congregation's HarvestCall Representative, put in the HarvestCall collection box, or mailed to:
Apostolic Christian HarvestCall
PO Box 3797
West Lafayette, IN 47996
If it is more convenient or you wish to direct your funds to a specific program, use your credit card to:
New! Donate to HarvestCall using Venmo. It’s quick and easy. Just search for us in Charities or go directly to @HarvestCall.
Designated Donations
If you wish to donate to a specific ministry program, below is a list of options. Indicate your choice on the check memo. If donating online, you'll make your selection from a drop-down menu.